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Anodea Judith, Ph.D. has been
called “a prophet for our time.” A
groundbreaking thought leader
and bestselling author, she is the
director of Sacred Centers (Sa-, a teaching
organization of transformational
wisdom. Judith holds a doctoral
degree in Psychology and Hu-
man Health, is a 500-hour regis-
tered yoga teacher (E-RYT), and
has engaged in lifelong studies in
psychology, mythology, sociology,
history, systems theory, evolution,
and comparative religion. She is
considered the foremost Western
writer on the subject of the chakra
system, bridging the philosophies
of East and West, especially in the
field of psychology. She teaches
and lectures worldwide.
Judith is best known for the classics
Wheels of Life and Eastern Body-West-
ern Mind, as well as the award-winning
DVD, The Illuminated Chakras. In Octo-
ber 2012 she released a book on mani-
festation through the chakras, Creating
on Purpose, and just released her new-
est book The Global Heart Awakens:
Humanity’s Rite of Passage from the
Love of Power to the Power of Love.
Anodea Judith is a passionate writer
and speaker on psychology, spirituality,
and the evolutionary challenges hu-
manity faces at this time.
Anodea conducted a private psycho-
therapy practice for over 20 years, but
now exclusively writes and travels with
her teachings. Seeing personal and
global transformation on a continuum,
she has keen insight into the cultural
wounds that are leading us to destroy